Monday, August 23, 2010

I'm actually blogging nice

So dear people of this seemingly huge yet ever so small planet my name is Hannah and I am now what you might call a blogger..sister's idea. Speaking of which, I saw my sister today for the first time in twenty months... SCORE! Why haven't we seen each other in so long? *sigh* Lets not go there.. but future blogs? Will there be any certain subject? Well why not cover all of them? I always seem to be doing nothing so, why not? Agh curse dial up but I will do my best to stimulate you with mind-reeling questions such as fantasy or sci-fi? eBay or Amazon? Over the rainbow or taste the rainbow??! Frappucinnos or mochas?!!!!! Gandalf the Gray or Gandalf the White??! Oh no life may never go on with out the answers... okay thats a lie. Life will always go on until, well it doesn't.. Anyways planet, comment it up.. or not. Go with what ya feel..

                                                                                                         Till then, I'll be looking for Rivendell..

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